
1945. Born in Sabac, Yugoslavia 1967. Graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Novi Sad. Works and creates as individual artist in the domain of graphic design, illustration, calligraphy and painting. 1974. member of The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Vojvodina. He has had six individual exhibitions both in the country and abroad. He is a winner of 11 respected awards and several recognitions in the field of graphic design.
SAMOOBRAZLOZENJE, acrilic, 66 x 106 cm, 2000. |
The Iwano Project I > Artists: Anka BURIC, Branka JANKOVIC KNEZEVIC, Milan MATAVULJ, Jelena MINIC, Visnja PETROVIC, Aleksandar PEDOVIC, Krstinja RADIN, Dusan TODOROVIC, Zvonko TILIC, Dragoslav VISEKRUNA
 Click for larger pictureSAMOOBRAZLOZENJE, acrilic, 66 x 106 cm, 2000. |